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Visualize Experiments

Track and Visualize Experiments

More details are here: Track and Visualize Experiments

In model development, we track values of interest such as the validation_loss to visualize the learning process for our models. Model development is like driving a car without windows, charts and logs provide the windows to know where to drive the car.

With Lightning, you can visualize virtually anything you can think of: numbers, text, images, audio. Your creativity and imagination are the only limiting factor.

Track metrics

To track a metric, simply use the self.log method available inside the LightningModule

class LitModel(pl.LightningModule):
    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        value = ...
        self.log("some_value", value)

To log multiple metrics at once, use self.log_dict

values = {"loss": loss, "acc": acc, "metric_n": metric_n}  # add more items if needed

View in the commandline

To view metrics in the commandline progress bar, set the prog_bar argument to True.

self.log(..., prog_bar=True)

View in the browser

By Default, Lightning uses Tensorboard (if available) and a simple CSV logger otherwise.

# every trainer already has tensorboard enabled by default (if the dependency is available)
trainer = Trainer()

To launch the tensorboard dashboard run the following command on the commandline.

tensorboard --logdir=lightning_logs/

If you’re using a notebook environment, launch Tensorboard with this command

%reload_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir=lightning_logs/

Accumulate a metric

When self.log is called inside the training_step, it generates a timeseries showing how the metric behaves over time.

When you call self.log inside the validation_step and test_step, Lightning automatically accumulates the metric and averages it once it’s gone through the whole split (epoch).

def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
    value = batch_idx + 1
    self.log("average_value", value)

If you don't want to average you can also choose from {min,max,sum} by passing the reduce_fx argument.

# default function
self.log(..., reduce_fx="mean")

Configure the saving directory
